How to build a loyal subscriber list?

I have previously posted on why is there a need to build a list and there are so many ways that the list could be utilise. Now that we have a newsletter to capture our leads, we now have to learn how to take care of our subscribers and what are the kind of content we should have in the newsletter.

What should be in your newsletter content?

Before beginning on this, let's all ask ourselves 1 question first. What is the very first thing that you do when you log on to the Internet? Please participate in the poll below.

Get This - Survey Results -

Im pretty sure more than 80% will check their email first. With this in mind, we need to be mindful of the type of newsletter content that we send to our subscribers. People join our newsletter because they are hungry for more information after reading what is presented on our blog. Simply put, we have to satisfy that need. Therefore, your newsletter should contain more detailed information and tips to give it to your list.

You can also include review on certain services or products which you have used and recommend it to your list. Do take note that you have to personally use the product or services first before recommending so that you can give your most honest opinions. Do not fall into the temptations of commission for selling the product. This will cause your list to be doubtful of what you say in the future should the product is not as what you described.

We are looking at a list that will stay with us as long as possible and not just to recommend them one product only. What we want is long-term and loyal subscribers.

Building on a variety of newsletters

I always recommend building newsletter with a variety. What do I mean by a variety? This is when your creativity comes in. Don't be a boring blogger and keep sending only informational text. Try some other ways to present the information to your list.

Perhaps you could try to have a article contest writing for certain topic to see how much your list actually know about it. To make it more interesting, include some small freebies or even cash ( if you could afford definitely ) to boost more participation. This is what I call interaction with your subscriber list.

2 way communication is very important to keep your list active. You will in turn build a very personal relationship with your subscribers. Your subscribers will know how much sincerity you have and they will know how trusted you are. I always think that we dont have to hide what we are doing. Everyone knows why we keep a list - generate income. Your very own subscribers know it deep in their heart too. But why are they willing to spend that small amount of $$ to buy whatever products that you recommend? That is because they trust you. You will have to learn by your own experience to get your list to trust you but never make use of that to deceive them.

Building Trust

There is nothing I could tell you or teach you about building trust with your list. The only stuff that I could tell you is to be sincere. Although your subscribers cant see you or your action over the Internet, but they can feel it from the text that you have written.

Explore yourself on this area and you will eventually agree with me that Trust is the way to go for building a loyal list. Tell me what you feel regarding this post in the comments section.

That's all for now. I'll speak to you again soon.


Ranjeet Kr. Vimal said...

very useful information .. thanx for the post..

Charles said...

Building Trust is easy but "Maintaining the trust you gain" is the hardest part of it. Continue creating realiable articles so that the trust wont get lost. Trust is so fragile that even single wrong thing you do. Can actually result to a lifetime abandonment of trust.

Thank you
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